Deep Relevance Regularization: Interpretable and Robust Tumor Typing of Imaging Mass Spectrometry Data


Neural networks have recently been established as a viable classification method for imaging mass spectrometry data for tumor typing. For multi-laboratory scenarios however, certain confounding factors may strongly impede their performance. In this work, we introduce Deep Relevance Regularization, a method of restricting what the neural network can focus on during classification, in order to improve the classification performance. We demonstrate how Deep Relevance Regularization robustifies neural networks against confounding factors on a challenging inter-lab dataset consisting of breast and ovarian carcinoma. We further show that this makes the relevance map – a way of visualizing the discriminative parts of the mass spectrum – sparser, thereby making the classifier easier to interpret.

arXiv preprint
Jens Behrmann
Jens Behrmann
Postdoctoral Researcher

My research interests include machine learning, neural networks and applications in life sciences and industry.
